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Kayla Paige catches him. He's cheated on her so many times before - why does he even try to hide it at this point?? Sick of Danny lying, Kayla insists that Danny bring Tana home. If Kayla approves of her, Danny and Tana can finally bring their relationship out into the open. When Tana arrives at Danny's place a little later, she's blindsided by Kayla, who introduces herself as Danny's wife and sits down to chat with her. After grilling Tana about her relationship with Danny, Kayla finally drops the bomb on Tana - she wants to see Tana and Danny fuck, right here, right now! But Kayla's not just going to sit on the sidelines, she's going to help get Danny nice and warmed up for Tana. Kayla's gonna do whatever it takes to make sure that Tana's good enough for her husband!