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I'm xxx porn star Nina Hartley and I'm no stranger to making dirty, filthy interracial porn movies. I've fucked a ton of black guys in many interracial sex videos but today I got a young one with a cock I wasn't sure would fit in me. His name is Ice Cold and his black dick is so big it could be his third leg or even a belt. I wanted to make sure I would get ample time to slide it in my mouth hoping it would go past my tonsils but my gag reflex kicked in. Damn! I was so happy that he was hard the moment he dropped his pants which is a nice change of pace since my white male co-stars are as limp as a noodle and as wide as one, too. My white pussy got wetter and wetter as I sucked him so riding his huge cock was a given. He tossed me all around that sofa and shot a 2 foot cumshot which was as thick as a tidal wave. I knew Cougars like me love lots of cum but this was insane!